Country bread

Tuna fish quiche

Almond, Turkish delight and cocoa sweet bread (Cozonac)

Merry Christmas my dear readers!
If you think of panettone, you are right, this cake is very similar to it. Only the shape is different and probably the filling.

This type of Italian bread became very popular for my relatives lately. As I was baking bread a lot, this type was kindly suggested to me. I had in mind that difficult wet dough to work with and a flat bread with big holes inside. What turned out to be was not quite this way. The dough was not at all difficult, the bread was not flat and the size of the holes in the crumb was disappointing. I can guess also why this happened: the more hydration the bigger the holes in the crumb and this dough didn't have enough water to achieve this. I'll probably make again ciabatta but not with this recipe.
However, the resulting bread, even if it has nothing to do with ciabatta that I had in mind, was not bad at all. It was just another type of bread! Tasty, with a gentle aroma ... so finally was not really a failure.
Brioche loaves with sourdough

Chicken with sweet potatoes

66% sourdough rye bread

I have at home a lot of cooking books and sometimes I say that if I would do one recipe from each I could fill my meals for months. I have books from which I didn't do any recipe but I have also favorite books from where I count how many recipes I didn't do. This is the case for Hamelman's book from which I have the feeling that the recipes with sourdough are running out. Of course I have plenty of other recipes and I can do them over and over again but I loved Hamelman's book so much that I feel sad not to continue. Every singe recipe was a challenge and I learned so much from it. It was my first serious bread baking book and will remain the best for me. Bellow there is another rye bread recipe with sourdough that raised like a beauty in the oven.
Bacon and mushroom gratin

Vanilla biscuits (snowman)
The resulting biscuits are amazing, they are simply melting into your mouth and the flavor of vanilla gives you the desire to want more and more.
Organic white bread

This time I chose a white bread made from organic white flour. It is a straight dough without any preferment. Even if the water is 62% I managed to have a very wet dough difficult to work with it. Probably it would have been better to cook it in a Dutch oven, but I went for the classical method on the stone. The resulting breads were a bit deformed as shape but they rose nicely in the oven.
Rye and flaxseed bread

Carrot and hazelnuts bread

I've marked this recipe a while ago and every time I wanted to do it I was missing something. First time there were the carrots. Second time, I was running out of hazelnuts. But for this weekend I had them both available and as I wanted to do an "exotic" bread, this recipe was the perfect one.
I have made the preferment the evening before and the next day, I have started to prepare the carrots and the hazelnuts. I am not kidding, the preparation of the carrots took me almost one hour with the whole mess to clean after extracting the juice of the carrots. But I drank the carrot juice and it was so good!
To grate 750g of carrots by hand was a lot of work and then to squeeze the juice out of the grated carrots using a gauze ... I had enough ... I swore I'd make myself a present and buy a juice extractor. Or... I'll put it on my list for Christmas presents :D. But well, when carrots were squeezed and dried, to make the bread was a piece of cake.
Now, regarding the bread, with 12g of yeast in it, the dough raised quickly. The impressive part was that it raised a lot outside but in the oven didn't raise so much. Nevertheless, the resulting bread look was acceptable. Inside, the bread had small bubbles in the crumb, normal for a more tougher dough. The color was obviously almost orange because of the carrots. The taste.... hmm... I might say that hazelnuts flavor was stronger than of the carrots but still, this was a bread not a cake.
As a conclusion, it was an interesting bread with an interesting taste and look but, to be honest, I've made more basic breads who caught me more.
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