The experiment to raise my own sourdough is ongoing. My first trial failed but in the second I have great hopes. The excess of the sourdough remaining form the feedings and considered "to be thrown away" I kept it in the fridge to use it for other recipes. Simply I cannot stand the idea of throwing it away. So, here is a recipe of pancakes with sourdough (not mature enough yet). The sourdough play here a role in taste so it doesn't show the raising properties.
The pancakes are very thin, without big holes (I like this because I hate seeing the filling going out through them) and they are very delicious !
Ingredients (for a bigger quantity of pancakes, ~20-30)
- 240g sourdough (100% hydration) taken straight from the fridge
- 960g milk
- 240g all purpose flour
- 6 eggs
- 1 teaspoon salt
- oil for the pan
- Beat the eggs in a bigger bowl.
- Add the sourdough, milk, four and salt and mix them all well.
- Let it rest for 1-2 hours.
- Heat the pans ( I use 2 to speed up the process).
- Oil them just a bit and pour 1/2 cup of the mixture.
- Turn them over when they have caught some brown spots on one side.
This is a recipe with which you can easily play. For example, another time I have used 500g of sourdough and 720ml of milk, keeping the same quantities for the rest of ingredients. In the end, it is essential to obtain a mixture that looks like a heavy cream.
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