Few days ago, a colleague of mine remind me of these and I had a mouthwatering experience. More, he was telling me that he made them at home. I replied, no chance, they couldn't be like the ones I know... he then challenged me to try them. It didn't take me long to actually do them. And yes, indeed they are not like the ones I was buying. They are 10 times better! Fluffy, melting into your mouth, not full of oil and with plenty of cheese inside.
- 1kg puff pastry
- 1kg feta cheese
- 2 eggs
- Smash the cheese with a fork.
- Beat the eggs and mix them with cheese.
- Split the dough into 8 portions. If you prefer to do them in a smaller size, the dough can be splitted in more portions.
- Stretch every piece with a rolling pin and shape it in a square with 25cm side. You can use a bit of oil to avoid sticking to the table or to the rolling pin.
- Put 2-3 tablespoons of cheese in the center of the square and flatten into a little square of 10cm 45º turn from the big dough square.
- Bring the corners into the center by overlapping them a bit.
- Turn the merdenea upside down and lay it in a tray on which there was a silicon or baking sheet.
- Repeat the steps for the remaining pieces and cheese.
- Bake them for 45min at 180ºC or until they become a little brown on top.
Mmm, was a delicios taste! Just try them and lets see if somebody doesn't agree with me.
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