Vermont sourdough with whole wheat bread

1.2.3 Sourdough bread

And oh yes, I am the lucky owner of a new sourdough grown by myself ! And this bread is the first one I do only with sourdough and no yeast. To conclude, now we are talking about only 3 ingredients: flour, water and salt.
Sourdough pancakes

The experiment to raise my own sourdough is ongoing. My first trial failed but in the second I have great hopes. The excess of the sourdough remaining form the feedings and considered "to be thrown away" I kept it in the fridge to use it for other recipes. Simply I cannot stand the idea of throwing it away. So, here is a recipe of pancakes with sourdough (not mature enough yet). The sourdough play here a role in taste so it doesn't show the raising properties.
The pancakes are very thin, without big holes (I like this because I hate seeing the filling going out through them) and they are very delicious !
Hybrid semi whole wheat bread

Rustic bread
I can consider this bread as my first artisan bread. I have tried a different version before but this was probably the best (until now). And because good bread comes with a bit of effort, the recipe and directions are mentioned below.
Elderflower juice

Homemade pizza

Corn and spelt bread

Cheese tart

Lemon and poppy seeds muffins


Few days ago, a colleague of mine remind me of these and I had a mouthwatering experience. More, he was telling me that he made them at home. I replied, no chance, they couldn't be like the ones I know... he then challenged me to try them. It didn't take me long to actually do them. And yes, indeed they are not like the ones I was buying. They are 10 times better! Fluffy, melting into your mouth, not full of oil and with plenty of cheese inside.
Puff pastry

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