Country bread

Tuna fish quiche

Almond, Turkish delight and cocoa sweet bread (Cozonac)

Merry Christmas my dear readers!
If you think of panettone, you are right, this cake is very similar to it. Only the shape is different and probably the filling.

This type of Italian bread became very popular for my relatives lately. As I was baking bread a lot, this type was kindly suggested to me. I had in mind that difficult wet dough to work with and a flat bread with big holes inside. What turned out to be was not quite this way. The dough was not at all difficult, the bread was not flat and the size of the holes in the crumb was disappointing. I can guess also why this happened: the more hydration the bigger the holes in the crumb and this dough didn't have enough water to achieve this. I'll probably make again ciabatta but not with this recipe.
However, the resulting bread, even if it has nothing to do with ciabatta that I had in mind, was not bad at all. It was just another type of bread! Tasty, with a gentle aroma ... so finally was not really a failure.
Brioche loaves with sourdough

Chicken with sweet potatoes

66% sourdough rye bread

I have at home a lot of cooking books and sometimes I say that if I would do one recipe from each I could fill my meals for months. I have books from which I didn't do any recipe but I have also favorite books from where I count how many recipes I didn't do. This is the case for Hamelman's book from which I have the feeling that the recipes with sourdough are running out. Of course I have plenty of other recipes and I can do them over and over again but I loved Hamelman's book so much that I feel sad not to continue. Every singe recipe was a challenge and I learned so much from it. It was my first serious bread baking book and will remain the best for me. Bellow there is another rye bread recipe with sourdough that raised like a beauty in the oven.
Bacon and mushroom gratin

Vanilla biscuits (snowman)
The resulting biscuits are amazing, they are simply melting into your mouth and the flavor of vanilla gives you the desire to want more and more.
Organic white bread

This time I chose a white bread made from organic white flour. It is a straight dough without any preferment. Even if the water is 62% I managed to have a very wet dough difficult to work with it. Probably it would have been better to cook it in a Dutch oven, but I went for the classical method on the stone. The resulting breads were a bit deformed as shape but they rose nicely in the oven.
Rye and flaxseed bread

Carrot and hazelnuts bread

I've marked this recipe a while ago and every time I wanted to do it I was missing something. First time there were the carrots. Second time, I was running out of hazelnuts. But for this weekend I had them both available and as I wanted to do an "exotic" bread, this recipe was the perfect one.
I have made the preferment the evening before and the next day, I have started to prepare the carrots and the hazelnuts. I am not kidding, the preparation of the carrots took me almost one hour with the whole mess to clean after extracting the juice of the carrots. But I drank the carrot juice and it was so good!
To grate 750g of carrots by hand was a lot of work and then to squeeze the juice out of the grated carrots using a gauze ... I had enough ... I swore I'd make myself a present and buy a juice extractor. Or... I'll put it on my list for Christmas presents :D. But well, when carrots were squeezed and dried, to make the bread was a piece of cake.
Now, regarding the bread, with 12g of yeast in it, the dough raised quickly. The impressive part was that it raised a lot outside but in the oven didn't raise so much. Nevertheless, the resulting bread look was acceptable. Inside, the bread had small bubbles in the crumb, normal for a more tougher dough. The color was obviously almost orange because of the carrots. The taste.... hmm... I might say that hazelnuts flavor was stronger than of the carrots but still, this was a bread not a cake.
As a conclusion, it was an interesting bread with an interesting taste and look but, to be honest, I've made more basic breads who caught me more.
Basic Tartine Country Bread (based on the recipe of Chad Robertson)

The book is full of nice photographs either related to moments of his life or directly related to bread baking. These breads are exceptional and they perfectly combine with the content.
Enough with this book that I strongly recommend, let's see what ended up for me following his recipe.
The reason why I have postponed so long this recipe is that requires more time and effort than Hamelman's recipes. So, I needed a free weekend to pay attention to all the details of the recipe.
I have started the recipe Saturday morning and the bread was ready by lunch on Sunday. I have chosen to make the final fermentation in the fridge because I wanted to use somehow the hours during the night and not to fill a full long day only with bread baking.
As I have already said, I have started the bread at 8am in the morning with the preferment. I let it stay until 5pm. It took some minuted to mix all together plus another 40" for the autolyse. Than I mixed again, and this is how the first hour has passed. Then, I continued with the bulk fermentation for the next 4 hours with stretches and folds every 30 minutes. the dough was very wet at 77% hydration and it was difficult to work with it. that's why it needed so many stretches and folds. And, I don't count that the flour that I find here in Belgium is lower in gluten than the one you can find in US. So this is how I realized that the time was already 10pm. I took out the dough from the bowl that was clearly running in all directions on my wooden board, but after few stretch and folds it became more firm. I divided it in 2 parts, let it rest as it is required in the recipe for another 30 minutes, shape the 2 loafs rounds, put them in bannetons, covered them in plastic bags and let them fermenting over night in the fridge. It was already 11pm after all these steps.
The next day in the morning, I realized the it didn't raised so much so I let them out at room temperature for another 2 hours and baked the one after another.
When I have removed the lid after the first 20 minutes I was a bit disappointed because they haven't raised as much as I would have liked but on the other side they were not looking bad at all.
I didn't wait to cool completely and I cut one for lunch. That taste hit me! A bread that worth all the effort. I will make it again for sure even if I'll try the variations proposed by Chad. I can say that if there is somebody passiond about bread baking, this recipe is a must because even difficult, the effort price is payed by the taste, quality and aroma of the bread.
Feta saganaki

Every time I go to Greece for holidays I need to try the local food goodies. The Greek cuisine is one of my favorite. This year I had the pleasure to spend my holiday in Zakynthos. What a lovely holiday, what a sunny country and what an amazing island with breathtaking views. We were travelling the whole day and in the evening, before resting in the hotel, we were stopping to take the dinner in a Greek taverna. And what delicious food they had!
I'll put some pictures from that holiday for you to see what beauties are there!
For this post I have chosen a simple and amazing recipe. I remember that for dinner I was always asking for a feta saganaki even if the main dish was enormous. So I decided to try it at home as well and it was so successful that it finished in one meal. It remained only the sweet memories of their taste.
Homemade chips

Yes, I know! Chips are not the most healthy food that you can put for dinner. But do you really believe that the ones that you buy in a bag or a box from supermarket are more healthy than the ones homemade? I do not believe so. And if I want mouthwatering chips than I prefer to make my owns.
Chips are extremely simple to do at home, you only need the right tools.
So here is the recipe ...
Rustic buckwheat bread

It happens sometimes that my schedule and bread schedule simply doesn't match. This is what happened with this bread. I was panning to do do another recipe more complicated bu I had to change and try this one. I have chosen a bread with buckwheat. If you remember, I have used the buchwheat for another recipe (see Bio buckwheat bread) and its special aroma remained in my memories.
I have started this bread in the evening and I realized I was too tired to finish it in the same day so I gave up and put the dough in the fridge even during the bulk fermentation. To let the bread in the fridge to ferment is something normal but it is more common for the final fermentation not for the bulk one. I was so tired that I risked simply puting the bread in the fridge and went to sleep.
The next day, in the morning, the dough taken out from the fridge was cold so I let it at the room temperature for half an hour. I was expecting the bread to fall down in the oven due to the bulk fermentation in the fridge and this is what happened indeed ... until it raised and cracked so nicely in the next 10 minuted inside the oven. The schedule fit perfectly to have fresh warm bread for lunch. Delicious! A very good formula that finally matched with my schedule.
Corn flour bread

I was planning to do another bread, but I simply forgot to make the preferment the day before. I remained then with the only option to do a straight bread. And this is how I have chosen this recipe that I present here.
This is a bread with corn flour. Corn flour is diferent from polenta, one is flour one is semolina. The colour of the crumb is a bit yellow due to the corn flour. The taste is more sweet than a normal bread. The bread raised nicely and it opened beatifully in the oven.
Raspberry muffins

Did I mention that raspberries are my favorite fruits? I love them fresh, in any state and in any combination. A raspberry ice cream or a raspberry tart makes my day! But now let's put these goodies aside and focus on these amazing muffins with raspberries. They have a bit of sour taste and they keep the delicate aroma of these berries.
Cream of zucchini soup

I am not a big fan of cream soup but I have decided to vary from my classical soups. Also, I am not a big fan either of zucchini and I do not use them so often in my dishes. More, when I hove told my dear husband that I was intending to do a zucchini cream soup he snorted a bit and I was wandering if finally my soup would be eaten. But I persisted in my trial and I gave a chance to this soup.
So, I followed the original recipe with very few changes. It turn out to be a green liquid with no appetite for it. I filled one bowl, took a spoon and tried it. Mmmm, but it wasn't so bad at all! Much better than any soup I eat every day at the office cantine. Turned out to be flavored and with a reach taste for just a simple vegetables soup.
Next test was clearly for my husband to taste it. And I saw his face changed into an amazed one: "mmm, but this is quite good!" It was clear then that my soup was a success. The only person I couldn't convince to try it was my daughter, but well ... I understood her because she preferred another dish that she loves.
Muffins with Turkish delight and vanilla

Miche, Pointe-à -Callière

It is the second time I do this bread and the first time I really hated it. It's problem is the very high hidration. My problem is that I cannot find here a high-extraction wheat flour as the recipe of Hamelman requires. I didn't want to replace either the white wheate flour with whole wheat so I gave it a try with normal bread flour. First time I added more flour because the dough was extremely running (like a cream), impossible to give it a shape. Another mistake I did last time was to bake it on the oven stone and the bread spread quickly in all directions. Of course, I didn't through away the bread then and as taste was an incredible bread.
Today I have decided to give it another try. Remembering the last experience I was cautious and add a bit more flour from the start. But the dough was again running in all directions. I tried dozens of stretch and folds but didn't work, so when shaping I had to add more flour just enough to be able to gather the dough together. Another improvement from last time was to bake the bread not on the stone but in a dutch oven to be sure that I don't have again an Olympic running bread. For the first 30 minutes I baked it with the lid on and when I opened the oven to remove the lid I was shocked to see my beautiful bread. And I let here the modesty behind and I recognize this bread as being the most good looking bread I've ever made. The photos are not really capturing the "personality" of this bread. It is imposing itself, is high and has made even its "wings". It is a big bread of almost 2 kg, and I have to say this, I am so proud of it.
Apple bundt cake

Roasted garlic levain

Sourdough seed bread

I have started to search over the internet about the secret of the ear and found a trick on blog that made me understand what I made wrong till now. Even if I have used exactly the tools used by professional beakers, even if I understood exactly the importance of the angle al the blade when scoring there was something that I didn't notice. Scoring a bread deeper results in the border falling with its own weight. This is what I made wrong. For this bread, the appearance of an ear was not anymore a serendipity but an indended fact. When scoring more like a scratch, with a blade used in an angle the border raise, the cut creates a nice open in the bread and raise from inside without merging with the border. That's the secret!
This bread in particular is not so wet as most of the breads presented by Hamelman, so the dough is easy to work with, Toasting some of the seeds adds a nice flavour to the bread. The seeds anyway gives the dominant flavour that complements the sourdough taste and aroma. It is a nice bread and worth totally the effort of doing a sourdough bread.
Apple cake

Olive bread

With a very sticky and wet dough and a nice flavor from the olives I was wondering how the result would be. My patience was challenged with more time needed for the bread to to raise in the fridge.
When I reverted the bannetons I was almost disappointed because the loaves deflated quickly. In my sadness I even forgot to score the 2 breads and I put them straight in the oven. I didn't even want to look at them but... the miracle came from the oven spring when the 2 loaves raised unexpectedly well. Huh... what an emotion ... but what a bread came out .... just wow! I simply love this bread, it is so flavored, with so many whole inside, with such a nice crust, with such a soft crumb ... cannot find more words to describe it. Because of the retard in the fridge, the bread took a bit of sourness but is suiting so well the entire taste.
This is a bread that worth to be done many times because the result is so rewarding ...
Apple and almond tart

This autumn I've got a lot of apples and storing all of them it's a problem. So I need to eat or use them in a cake or something. And, what's better than an apple tart? The answer is an apple tart with almonds! It's quick and delicious!
Pain au levain with whole-wheat flour

Organic simple bread

Organic spelt bread

This recipe was more impressive than expected. The dough was wet, didn't raise a lot during the 2 fermentation stages but in the oven raised so nicely. The taste was also impressive for a straight dough, remembering me of the country bread. This is definitely a bread that worth doing it more often.
Apple clafoutis

It is definitely the apple season and I cannot resist to bake something with them. This clafoutis has a reach taste, it is very flavored and remembers me of creme brulee.
Simple apple pie

Bio buckwheat bread

Whole-wheat multigrain

Vermont sourdough with rye flour

65% rye bread

This is probably the quickest recipe from Hamelman's book. In 4-5 hours you have it on your table.
It is a straight dough, so no preferment is required.
The dough had a strange texture and working with it remembered me the playing with plasticine from childhood.
The resulting bread was OK but a bit disappointing to my taste. The flavor was of rye but was missing the sourdough aroma that I love so much. Nevertheless, if you need a quick bread on your table than this recipe is acceptable.
I have asked my husband to give his opinion about this bread and his reaction was "Is like from the the bread machine you were doing once" And indeed, he was right, except for the rye flavor there was nothing special about this bread.
Cheese bread

Pizza dough

From the quantities bellow I do 2 pizzas. Half I bake in the same day and the other half I keep it in the refrigerator in a closed bowl for maximum 5 days.
Roasted pepper salad

When I tasted them, I had a revelation. How could I have ignored this food for such a long time? Even my husband rewarded me with a long "mmmmmm" after the first bite.
Mushroom quiche

Lemon kugelhof / bundt cake

Pain au levain with multicereals and multigrains

This bread is nothing else than the famous Pain au levain of Hamelman that I have redone for the simple reason that I have found lost in a cabinet a bag of multicereal flour that my husband bought by mistake.
So, I wanted to get rid of it by throwing it in a bread. The result turned out to be an amazing bread.
I wanted a big loaf and I chose to not divide it in 2 but to make just one.
This was also my first bread baked directly on the stone thanks to the supper peel that my husband created for me. I have baked till now only on baking sheets and it was the moment to progress a bit. Thank you dear Florin, great tool for bread baking!

Whole rye and whole wheat sourdough bread

As I said before, I like to keep 2 types of sourdough one with white flour and one with rye flour. This is a bread with rye sourdough.

Rye sourdough starter

So, this is what I have done:
- Take 15g of white sourdough and put is in a cleaned jar together with 15g of water at room temperature and 15g of rye flour. Mix them well and let the jar with the lid open.
- Repeat the same process at 12 hours for another 2 times. If one can desire to continue for some more times is perfect, but I was anxious to use it and I made the 40% rye bread with sunflower seeds with it.
Further on is simple to use it. Just take it out of the fridge 24 hours before you start your bread and feed it twice every 12 hours with rye flour. When the time for the 3rd feed has come you can use it for bread.
If you do not wish to keep 2 sourdough jars in your fridge you can always give up on the rye one as you can always easily reproduce it. As you can see, the process is not at all sophisticated.
I prefer to keep 2 versions of sourdough in my refrigerator because, just in case something goes wrong, I have a backup.
If you don't use it so often, take it out of the fridge at least once a week and feed it, then put it back to the refrigerator.
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